Thursday, October 31, 2019

W7 OM Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

W7 OM Discussion - Essay Example Lambert and Cooper (2000) identified several major components of SCM, including planning and control, work structure, organizational structure, management methods, product flow facility structure, and power and leadership structure. By implication, for effective SCM to be said to have taken place, supply chain managers must be in a position to adequately put management processes in all of these components together. It is for this reason that SCM has been considered to be a shared responsibility, involving the coordinated efforts of several departments and workforce within the organization (Meredith and Shafer, 2014). Once SCM is used, there are a number of benefits that the organization practicing can get. According to Mentzer, J.T. et al. (2001), SCM helps in ensuring efficiency by ensuring that supply chain managers are able to respond quickly to all issues and changes that take place within the supply chain. This way, chances of delays are well catered for. SCM has also been noted to have the advantage of ensuring information transparency due to its open ended approach and the fact that it functions on the shared responsibility

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Unit 5 DB - Regression Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Unit 5 DB - Regression Analysis - Essay Example Linear regression is the type of regression which identifies the relationship of two significant variables (dependent and independent) (Seber & Lee, 2012). For example the analyst would try to relate the haziness of aircraft’s glass (dependent variable) with ice deposits (independent variable). Linear regression signifies the direct relationship between two such variables (Weisberg, 2005). The following equation represents the regression equation, where Y is the dependent variable which is dependent on X independent variables, a is the intercept while b denotes slope of the line X (Hoffmann, 2005). In the section of criminal justice, the analysts often use multiple analytical tools to make better judgments and decisions on the field. Regression is one tool which criminologists often apply to identify relationships between two adjacent variables like crime conviction or criminal’s behaviors. Analysts use regression coefficients to identify which strategy is more effective than the other on crime control section. According to one report of Federal government, a number of researchers came out from University of Nebraska in the year 1990, who utilized regression analysis tool to assess the influence of investment on crime rates. The analysis identified the relationship between two variables by identification of correlations and linear equation, which are fundamentally deterministic by linear regression analysis tool. This came out to be a sufficient tool of correlation analysis which later on got applied in the criminal justice section. Still today several criminologists us e linear regression model to identify the relationship of two significant variables (Weisburd & Britt, 2007, p.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Ensuring All Stages Pipelining and Accuracy in PASQUAL

Ensuring All Stages Pipelining and Accuracy in PASQUAL Nachiket D. More Abstract GENOME is term used for genetic material of organism. It is used to encode DNA of organisms, or RNA of various kinds of viruses. Ii contains both coding and non coding parts of DNA/RNA. Now a day’s GENOME is constructed for mostly all animals, viruses, and bacteria’s. These data is mostly used in medical research and as well as to predict disease like cancer, HIV and many more. GENOME is consisting of reads, these reads are very large in amount to manipulate and also to store and maintains. Sequencing machine produce output of short overlapping substrings, these substring are called reads. The sequence assembly reconstructs genome sequence of these reads. These genome sequences are long and continuous. Assembly software for Nest Generation Sequencing (NGS) must be a very accurate, fast and have a less memory consumption. PASQUAL is tool used for faster work of NGS GENOME assembly. For address challenges of NGS assembly, parallel algorithm and compressed data structure are used in PASUQAL. PASQUAL delivers better speed of execution, less memory consumption and better solution quality. Keywords – Parallel algorithm, parallel suffix array construction, high performance bioinformatics, de novo sequence assembly, shared memory parallelism, DNA sequence, genome assembly. Introduction The term â€Å"genome† is used for represent/refer as cellular instruction set. Also it used to refer genetic material of a cell. A genome consist of chromosomes, it can be one or more individual chromosomes. Chromosomes consist of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), and for many viruses it consists of ribonucleic acid (RNA). DNA is made from simple unit called nucleotides (nt). Nucleotides having four types namely A, C, G, and T. In sequence start and end are denoted by 5’ and 3’ respectively. Deducing the order of nucleotides from cell and encoding it as a string of letters is called a DNA sequencing process. This process cannot read whole sequence continuously, so it breaks DNA molecules into small part, which is used in chemical reaction as templates to produce short sub-sequences called reads. Major problem is a reconstruct the original genome sequence from reads. For these purpose GENOME assembly algorithms are used. A GENOME assembly uses many automated rounds to improvements, but it inspected and edited by specialists. Assembling reads into a long contiguous sequence is called contigs. The genome sequencing is process of reading sequence of base pairs (bp). Organism genome consists of base pairs, which is derived from two stranded of complementary bases. This is a main part to the study of genomes in bioinformatics. Except Whole – Genome Shotgun (WGS) sequencing machine, no other current sequencing method is capable to read whole sequence in one pass. De novo assembly not uses any reference sequence aids to reconstruction of original sequence, because of these it is used in PASQUAL. We have to generate a large number of reads in a small amount of time, for these purpose we used a Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies. Due to these it greatly reduces the experimental cost per base. It helps to study organism at genome level, to deeply understanding of biological mechanism and genome regulation. Due to sequencing genome rapidly, it helps researchers to study more on evolution of viruses and bacteria. Because, bacteria and viruses can adopt behavior more easily also generate mutation easily at every step of reproduction. Next Generation Sequencings (NGS) Decoding DNA sequences is essential in all branches of biological research. For these purpose scientist uses the capillary electrophoresis (CE) – based Sanger sequencing, scientists able to manifest genetic information for any biological system. Because of these it is adopted by many research laboratories. But it has many limitations like throughout, scalability, speed and resolution to preclude in scientists research study. To overcome from these problem, these is new technology is introduced namely as Nest-Generation Sequencing (NGS), that become a reason for boost in research area in bioinformatics and genomic science. NGS is responsible for major transformation in path of retrieving information biological system, genome and epigenome of species. This gives an important breakthrough in fields like human disease and agriculture research. The principle behind NGS is similar to CE. CE generates small fragments of DNA. These fragments are sequentially identified from each fragment, which is re-synthesized from DNA template. NGS perform similar work in parallel fashion, which is population of millions of reaction rather than single or few DSN fragments. Due to this NGS produces hundreds of gigabases of data in single pass/sequencing run. NGS perform its operation as – a single genomic DNA is firstly fragmented into numbers of small segments, which is also known as library of segments. These segments are uniformly and accurately sequenced in millions of parallel reactions. These strings of bases are called as reads. Then these reads are reassembled by tow technique, first is known reference genome called as scaffold (re-sequencing) and second is without any reference genome (de novo sequencing). The output is set of aligned reads represents entire sequence of each chromosome in the gDNA. Fig. Conceptual Overview of Whole-Genome Sequencing Extracted gDNA. gDNA is fragmented into a library of small segments that are each sequenced in paralllel. Individual sequence reads are reassembled by aligning to a reference genome. The Whole–genome sequence is derived from the consensus of aligned reads. NGS output is increased as a rate that outpaces Moor’s law. A single pass can produce up to one gigabase (Gb) of data, at the time of invention i.e. in 2007. At 2011 it reaches up to terabase (Tb) of data in single pass/sequencing run. i.e. almost 1000Ãâ€" increase in four years. Because of this ability of NGS, researchers can move from idea to full data sets in few hours or days. Using CE technology sequencing of human genome takes a time around 10 years. But using NGS we can generate five human genomes at a single run. So it reduces the cost of genome projects. In NGS we can tune resolution of genome experiments. It is possible to produce more or less data, also it support zoom in particular regions of genome with high resolution or view with low resolution but it is more expansive. To do these researchers can tune coverage generated in experiments. This ability gives number of experimental design advantages. Because of various advantages of NGS has permeated in many areas of study. Using NGS, researchers can develop a broad range of application that transformed study designs and finding new information never before imaginable. PASQUAL PASQUAL can produce large data in assembly process in terms of memory consumption and running time. PASQUAL stands for PArallel SeQUence AssembLer. It uses OpenMP for shared memory parallelism, because of its good working between programmer productivity and performance. PASQUAL uses OLC approach and obtain high quality solutions with combination of tailored algorithms. PASQUAL can handle billions of bases. It uses de novo assembly, because of it does not need any reference to produce original sequence. Algorithm constructs biological sequences in parallel by suffix array, and it is good key for parallel performance and memory optimization. Index stage and string graph construction is used for finding overlaps. Misassembles of genome sequence by PASQUAL is significantly less than ny other assemblers. PASQUAL can handle billion of bases in less time, because it uses pipelined stages and compressed data. It has advantages over SOAPdenovo and k-mer like SOAPdenovo is only a tool having comparable speed and k-mer is restricted to smaller length than 128. Rather than PASQUAL produces less errors compared to any other tool. 4. Literature Survey 4.1 De Novo Genome Sequence Assembly In year 2008 to 2012 these are many sequencing techniques are developed, due to these there is major drop in cast from 1/100000th to 1/100000th of price. De novo algorithm is inherited from the SOAPdenovo2 framework. De novo sequencing involves novel genome; it requires specific assembly of reads (sequencing reads). It requires unique combination of length, depth of reads also it requires flexible paired-end insert size. Unpatrolled raw read makes confident and efficient production and long contig assemblies. De novo sequencing assembly is preferred for study of non-model organisms, because it is cheaper and easier to construct a genome. The reference-based assembly uses mapping on to reference genome, because of these it has inability to account for incidents of structural alteration of mRNA transcript. De novo assembly provides means to discover new and unknown sequence in biological research. Reading of whole sequence at once is limited, de novo methods are irreplaceable. It mostly used to discover new and unknown sequences, which is important in biodiversity in world. 4.2 Overlap/Layout/Consensus (OLC) Approach Overlap Layout Consensus (OLC) method is used in de novo assembly. It has a three steps overlap, layout and consensus respectively. In overlap stage graph is constructed, graph is made up of basic assembly. In layout stage this given graph is compressed. And in the consensus stage upon graph data, genome sequence is determined. These data is generated in previous two stapes. Overlap:- In the overlap stage, each and every reads are compared with every other read, and these is perform in both direction forward and reverse complement orientations. It is very time consuming procedure especially in set of large reads. Layout:- Finding path in OLC graph in not an easy task, because it has million of nodes and edges, and it very tedious task to find path that visit each node exactly ones. In this stage it OLC assembly graph is simplified, where assembly graph (i.e. segments) are compressed into contigs. Consensus:- This is a final stage of OLC approach, at this step assembly graph is reduced to large scaffolds i.e. single scaffold. It start from left most read of each scaffold, OLC algorithm computes consensus of all the reads composing each scaffold. Gaps in the genome may still be presents if the consensus step had insufficient mate-pair or repeat contig information. If an assembly had gaps, it would result in a fragmented genome, composed of multiple scaffolds because the gaps between the scaffolds could not be joined. 4.3 Shotgun Sequencing Sanger DNA sequencing technique work on limited distance in sequencing primer from 30 to 350 nt i.e. read length. Because of chain termination very few product can produce chain. These work at best ability to sequence maybe 500 bases a day and it is infeasible for human genome which have billions of bases. Another approach is, first divide DNA in to smaller fragments which is individually sequenced. Then these fragments are reassembled into original form based on overlaps. This strategy is known as shotgun sequencing, it also known as shotgun cloning. In shotgun sequencing, it randomly sheared into small pieces (usually about 1kb) and sub cloned into universal cloning vector. The library of sub fragments is sampled at random, and sequence reads are generated. These reads are assembled into contig. From this procedure complete sequence of clone generated. Shotgun technique can identify gaps (i.e. there is no sequence available) and single standard regions (where there is sequence for only one stand). They are targeted for additional sequencing to produce fill sequenced module. 5. Full Stage Pipelining and accuracy in PASQUAL 5.1 Motivation for this topic With an explosive growth of genome research area and in genome sequencing data, there is huge demand for tool and systems that enables researchers to more efficiently and more effectively work. NGS technology can produce shorter reads as compared to previous sequencing and delivers higher coverage. Coverage means ratio of total length of reds to genome length. Typically NGS generates reads from millions to few billion. This result is depending upon genome size and coverage. Due to high improvements in technologies, data sets to grow larger. As well as assembly become more demanding in time and memory consumption. 5.2 Selected area In NGS mainly contains DNA and RNA sequencing. I studied research paper for genome sequencing techniques. Genome sequencing techniques changes rapidly and become more and more advance over the period of time. Now a day’s genome sequencing is not used for research area also in treatments of many diseases. I am choosing full stage pipeline and more accuracy in PASQUAL because today many bioinformatics research topics uses genome sequencing, also it used for research topic in biodiversities. I have studied lots of paper where NGS is suggested for genome sequencing. I used full stage pipelining and more accuracy in PASQUAL NGS genome sequencing. 6. Problem statement Purpose of these research work is make full stage pipelining and more accuracy in PASQUAL genome sequencing. 7. Proposed Solution This system is completely new and it has different techniques to make it efficient for genome sequencing. Currently PASQUAL is not offering full all stages pipelining. Also scaffolding and support of paired-end reads uses third-party tools. It has to be improved error correction. Also acceleration in assembly process and reduce memory consumption. 8. Work done till Today Study of different types of feature PASQUAL. Code for different sequence assembler techniques. Study of different sequencing and assembly algorithms. 9. Objectives Applying full stage pipelining in all stages of PASQUAL. Improving error correction Accelerate the assembly process. Reduce memory consumption. 10. References â€Å"PASQUAL: Parallel Techniques for Next Generation Genome Sequence Assembly† by Xing Liu, Student Member, IEEE, Pushkar R. Pande, Henning Meyerhenke, and David A. Bader, Fellow, IEEE. B.H. Bloom, â€Å"Space/Time Trade-Offs in Hash Coding with Allowable Errors,† Comm. ACM, vol. 13, pp. 422-426, 1970. D. Bryant, W. Wong, and T. Mockler, â€Å"QSRA—A Quality-Value Guided de Novo Short Read Assembler,† BMC Bioinformatics, vol. 10, no. 1, p. 69, 2009. J. Butler, I. MacCallum, M. Kleber, I.A. Shlyakhter, M.K. Belmonte, E.S. Lander, C. Nusbaum, and D.B. Jaffe, â€Å"ALLPATHS: De Novo Assembly of hole-Genome Shotgun Microreads,† GenomeResearch, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 810-820, 2008. H. Dinh and S. Rajasekaran, â€Å"A Memory-Efficient Data Structure Representing Exact-Match Overlap Graphs with Application for Next-Generation DNA Assembly,† Bioinformatics, vol. 27, pp. 1901-1907, 2011. J. Dohm, C. Lottaz, T. Borodina, and H. Himmelbauer, â€Å"SHARCGS, A Fast and Highly Accurate Short-Read Assembly Algorithm for de Novo Genomic Sequencing,† Genome Research, vol. 17, no. 11, pp. 1697-1706, 2007. U. Manber and G. Myers, â€Å"Suffix Arrays: A New Method for OnLine String searches,† Proc. First Ann. ACM-SIAM Symp. DiscreteAlgorithms, pp. 319-327, 1990.

Friday, October 25, 2019

John Clare and the Ubiquitous Editor Essay -- Clare Poet Poem Poetic E

John Clare and the Ubiquitous Editor Editors have always played an important and powerful role in the works of John Clare, from Clare’s own time until the present. An Invite to Eternity presents a model of that relationship between text and editor in microcosm, from its composition inside the walls of a mental institution to its transcription by an asylum attendant, to its early publication and its modern re-presentation today. Written in the 1840s, no extant manuscript of the poem exists in Clare’s own hand and each version of the poem is inflected by its editor in different but always significant ways. In recent years, this is reflected in the sole copyright control over Clare’s work exercised by his most prominent editor, whose own interpretation of Clare governs the way the poet and his poems are presented to a modern audience. The publication history of all of John Clare’s work is, in the end, a history about editorial control and influence. Even An Invite to Eternity, written within the confines of a mental institution seemingly distant from the literary world, is not an exception to this rule, for it and Clare’s other asylum poems do not escape the power and problem of the editor. And, further, this problem of the editor is not one confined to the past, to the actions of Clare’s original publisher John Taylor or to W.F. Knight, the asylum house steward who transcribed the poetry Clare wrote during his 20 odd years of confinement. In fact, debates continue and rankle over the role of the editor in re-presenting Clare’s work to a modern audience: should the modern editor present the unadulterated, raw Clare manuscript or a cleaned up, standardized version as Taylor did? Only exacerbating and exaggerating this problem o... ... (29)Haughton. (30)Hugh Haughton and Adam Phillips, â€Å"Introduction: Relocating John Clare,† John Clare in Context. Ed. Hugh Haughton, Adam Phillips, Geoffrey Summerfield. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994) 19. (31)Haughton and Phillips, 19; see Robinson, xii. (32)Robinson, xii. (33)See The John Clare Page for a bibliography of news and journal articles concerning the controversy. (34)Robert Mendick, ‘Poets Protest as US Scholar Corners Clare’, Independent on Sunday, 16 July 2000. Online. (35)John Goodridge, â€Å"Poor Clare,† The Guardian, July 22, 2000. Online. (36)Goodridge; The John Clare Page. (37)‘John Clare’s Copyright’ (letter), Times Literary Supplement, July 14 2000, p. 15. (38)See Times Higher Education Supplement (39)See the Robinson version of the poem and the Grigson version, an example of the â€Å"standardized† Clare.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Demonstrate Ability to Write and Revise Effective

Aisha Bandon ENGL 302 Paper1 Tuesday,9/25/2012 SLO 1: Demonstrate ability to write and revise effective and persuasive communication for various purposes and audiences through various purposes and audiences though various course writing assignments. My assignment was a finance assignment about the price earnings ratio and earnings per share relation.We were supposed to give a brief explanation about those 2 concepts then select 3banks and compute earnings per share and price earnings ratio for each bank from the year 2000 to 2003,after that find the nature of the relationship between those 3 banks and give my comments on which bank is better off . For this assignment I used the formula learned in class to calculate what was asking in the assignment. It was very demanding and meticulous work because a single error in the calculation and my result will be affected as well as my conclusion.The instructor gave us 3weeks for this assignment but I used only 2days to work on it just before the due date. I used internet, and my notes from class to work on it . The day we supposed to submit it I was running out of ink and was completely stressed out. The assignment was Bobbo2 Technical with the calculation part and theorical at the end which asked me to put lot of efforts. In the light of the process described by Hinton I would definitely approach it differently.First of all I would start earlier to help me to make better researches and check twice or 3 times my final draft before submitting it(Hinton 20. ) Due to my procrastinating bad behavior I was completely panic when I was doing it. i think that detail wouldn’t allow me to present my knowledge and abilities about the topic. Then, I would reread, underlined, or highlighted the important features of the assignment or criteria(Hinton 21). I think I should also tried to know the purpose and my audience more while writing this assignment.Indeed, it helps to have an effective work, well organized and focused. Be cause there is nothing worse than going out of the topic for an assignment. I would emphasized in my critical thinking and analyticall skills more to give more reliability to my paper specially in my conclusion which I feel was very lame. My assignment didn’t have any citation which was really bad for a university student. I used internet and library to explain the two concepts asked but I didn’t mention it in the whole assignment. I would used an appropriate format to write it such as MLA format.I think that in the future I will apply this methodology because it’s very effective, its giving us student a map in how to write an assignment, and what the instructor expect from us. What most of us student forget all the time is to know your purpose and your audience(Hinton22. ) The instructor is our audience and we should always remember that while writing. As Corrine E. Hinton mentioned in her essay when she compared an formalized writing report to a restaurant men u, if a restaurant menu is listed the dessert up front, you might fight the design unfamiliar and the menu difficult to navigate (Hinton 30).That was a paragraph of the Bobbo3 essay that I found very relevant and useful. Using this guidelines for any other course in the future will be really benefit because it will help me to know how to hold any type of assignment wether it is an business writing assignment presentation analysis, or philosophy writing assignment or even a biology assignment. As we are oblige to take some general education courses in our cursus in university this will be very helpful for producing a simple,and understable peace of work.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A comparison of two media articles Essay

The Daily Express and The Independent write about the same event, England’s 2-0 victory over Greece in one of England’s world cup qualifier matches. It is obvious from looking at the articles that they are set out and written differently, this is because of their target audiences. The Independent is a more formal newspaper in A2 size, aimed at the more educated person. It is generally read by people in the social groups of A, B and C1, this includes people such as doctors, policemen and other such skilled workers. The Daily Express however is a much less formal newspaper, in A3 size, its target audience are people who are generally less educated and belong in the social groups of C1 and C2, people like builders, receptionists and other unskilled workers. The Daily Express’ article dominates the entire back page with very little else but a small sub article and some small adverts, the Daily Express sets it out in this way to attract its readers to the paper and article, it is bold and stands out. The Independent is different in this as the article takes up roughly half of the page, with enough room to have another article on the same page this is because of its much larger page. The Independent does not use big bold headlines or make it to try and attract the reader into the story; instead they set the article out in a more professional form making it look elegant and neat. This is done as The Independents readers do not want to be enticed into reading an article just because it looks attractive and stands out, they will read what is of interest to them and for content of the story. The Daily Express however uses the bold headlines and dominating layout to attract it’s readers into the article and paper. The Daily Express includes two pictures in its article, one for the main article of the match and the other one shows the gossip of the match. The Daily Star does this as their readers like pictures to attract them to the story and also like to read about the gossip as well, in this case the bottles being thrown at David Beckham’s head. The picture for the main article that the Daily Star chooses to show is that of David Beckham celebrating his goal, however they have blocked everything else out of the picture and just have David shown with a bold black outline. The picture is laid out across the page in an untidy fashion making it bolder and more attracting to its reader. This is done as the readers of the paper recognise David as a big celebrity and so want to read what is said about him. The Independent however is very different it has only one picture; it dominates the article but is set out in a square as a neat part of the article. The picture is the same as Daily stars however it is much broader as it shows more than just David Beckham; it is left showing us the stadium and the crowd’s celebrations. The chooses to do this as its readers prefer a much more in depth view as to what has happened when reading their articles, with this they can see the sort of atmosphere there would have been in the Stadium. The Daily Express uses a type of language typical of most tabloid newspapers, but not usually seen in broadsheet newspapers; puns, a play on words. The Daily Express uses pun in the headline of its article which focuses solely on David Beckham. The headline is â€Å"Haircules†, deriving from the ancient Greek God of Hercules, a mighty, strong warrior. The Daily Express has done this as it shows David Beckham as the mighty warrior of the football match. The beginning part â€Å"Her†, has been altered to â€Å"Hair† to apply more to David Beckham and his famous, forever changing hair cut. The Daily Express uses war imagery; the writer uses words, phrases and sentences which compare the football match to a bloody battle or war. The sub header is a great example of this war imagery language with the phrase â€Å"cool under fire†. We would more often than not associate this sort of term with a soldier who had kept his cool whilst being shot at, however in this case it has been changed to describe an aspect of the football match. Also, â€Å"missiles†, â€Å"victory† and â€Å"stoop to conquer† are more war imagery terms which the writer has used to elevate the match and make it seem more exciting. The Independent has not used war imagery as this is a very convincing language, the paper would much rather its readers made up their own minds rather than have them made for them. Sentence Length, sentence structure and sentence variety are another three things which sets these two articles apart. Whereas the Daily Express uses very simple, basic, short sentence structures The Independent uses longer more complex sentence structures which appeal more to its readers. The Daily express does not break down its sentences with punctuation, punctuation is very basic in this article for example, take the opening sentence of each, â€Å"Skipper David Beckham provided the perfect answer to the Greek thugs who targeted him last night with missiles as he curled in the free kick which put the seal on victory in Athens and kept England’s world cup hopes alive†, not a single comma is used to break down that very large sentence. ‘†Bring on the Germans† was the cry from the sunburned, shaven-headed masses in the northern arc of the Spiro Louis Stadium last night and there would not have been a single man in the England dressing room who would disagree’, in this the Independents the sentence is broken down by a quote and comma. Both of the articles input interviews from David Beckham; they are very similar but The Independents comments contain better vocabulary as to appeal more to its readers. The Independent inputs phrases such as â€Å"the importance of maintaining our discipline†, so that the comments appear more intellectual and appeal more to its readers. The Daily Express however writes this comment as â€Å"It was important we kept our discipline†, keeping the phrase more simple, so that it’s less sophisticated readers are not put off by complex language. The independent also contains much more dialogue than the Daily Express, this is because the Independent would like to get across as many view points as possible on the match, so that it’s readers can think for themselves and come to their own decision on the what kind of match the game was. In conclusion both of the articles are effective for their different readers. The Daily Express writes more basically and writes more about gossip and facts to appeal to its lesser educated readers. With bold headlines and the picture of David Beckham the paper is going to sell as it attracts its readers. The Independent is very different, it is much more factual, it’s more educated readers are less interested in the gossip and would rather read the facts. The article contains a lot of dialogue and refrains from using war imagery, presenting different view points enabling the reader to make their own decision on the match.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Analyse the techniques Essay Example

Analyse the techniques Essay Example Analyse the techniques Essay Analyse the techniques Essay Essay Topic: The Metamorphosis At the beginning of this short movie, it doesnt look like anything bad is going to happen, this makes the audience suspicious and want to watch more. I thought the quality of the performance was good, the effectiveness of the make-up, like in the opening, set in the late 50s, early 60s and the make up is set to that era. Michael is wearing red, throughout the movie, making him the dominant male and to make him stand out from everyone else. I thought the special effects for the early 80s were pretty well done. Jackson decided to produce the Thriller video to promote the song. This made him big, and both young and old liked the movie. The film is divided into six scenes, the editor jumps from the 50s to the 80s. When this jump happens, the costumes change; Michael and Ola are in now in the cinema. The editing helps create an atmosphere/mood; a form of gothic genre is successfully created. Subdued lightning, the graveyard, living dead, and the gothic derelict house help contribute to the atmosphere/mood of this pop movie. Michael and Olas romantic moment starts with an establisher shot, a very common shot to start with. We first see the Cadillac, which is from the same era; coming closer to us, but then the gas, mysteriously runs out. Michael and Ola get out and start to walk into the woods; Michael is wearing a red jacket with red trousers, which makes the audience view him as the dominant male. Ola, on the other hand, is wearing a pink dress, with white shoes; her hair is short and sways. I thought that their relationship was very soppy. My personal views on the effectiveness of the close-up shots during the metamorphosis are rather mixed. I felt that the close up shots of his different body parts changing into the werewolf were pretty slow. At one point, there is a close up shot of Michaels hand changing and whilst it was changing, Michael just stood there; I would think a werewolf would be more active. The production crew used editing to enable make-up artists to build up the werewolf mask, which was made of latex rubber. Special effects were repeated to make the audience feel anxious, Elmer Bernsteins scary music helped to great tension. During the chase, there was symbolisms of moon shots, lots of POVS, such as when Michael is about to pounce on Ola. We see it from her POV looking up at him then from Michaels POV looking down on Ola, to make us feel like were actually that person. A flash-forward jump cut brings us to the early 80s. Michael and Ola are wearing completely different clothes than in the 50s. Now that we are in the 80s, I feel Michael and Olas relationship looks more stable. The use of a long dolly shot, makes us feel as if we were walking beside them, using CO2 helps set the scene, makes the graveyard feel dark and gloomy. The effectiveness of the lighting creates a mood round the graveyard and buildings. Michaels brilliant dance skills were put to the test when he did an unchoerographed dance around Ola. As Michael and Ola get closer to the graveyard, zombies start emerging from graves, tomb and vaults. A few camera shots were used such as medium shots, close ups and over the shoulder shot. The effectiveness of the zombies clothes and make-up brought them to life; dirty, grubby clothes made them look real. When the zombies surround Micheal and Ola, the music starts and Ola is basically standing there watching. Micheal and the zombies are dancing to the song Thriller; the zombies have stiff movements, synchronized steps. The production crew must have cut the film for Michael to change his appearance into a zombie. Clever choreography by Vincent Price brought the zombies and Michael alive. Ola is just standing there watching, which is a bit strange; I thought she would be more involved in the zombie dance. Lots of SFX were used during the Breaking and Entering scene. Ola runs into the derelict house, a close-up to extreme close up on Ola. As the zombies close in on Ola, camera tilted up to show POV shot, through Olas eyes; shot develops to close up, then extreme close up on Olas eye. Dubbing of the sound effects, such as the windows, which were made of sugar glass; walls made from thin wood and cardboard; floor, the effect of the atmospheric music by Elmer Bernstein, builds to a crescendo. A jump cut happens, to Michaels house and all is normal. Frozen picture on Michael, turning towards camera, slow zoom to close up/extreme close up on his yellow feline eyes; haunting laughter from Vincent Price, credits appear, there is a reprise of zombie dance and the zombies return to their graves. Overall, I feel that this promotional video, Thriller by Michael Jackson is now rather dated; were talking of a 23-year-old movie. Some of the special effects are rather basic now and look fake, especially the metamorphosis. I did like Michaels unchoerographed dance around Ola and how effective it was in the movie. The clothes were set the right eras but now looking from this day and age, they look rather dated.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Father of American Terrori essays

The Father of American Terrori essays A Critique of the Article on John Brown, The Father of American Terrorism On December 2, 1859, John Brown, dressed in a black coat, black pants, black vest, and black slouch hat, was riding to what would be his execution spot. He handed the jailer a note. It read: I John Brown am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty, land will never be purged away; but with blood. I had...vainly flattered myself that without much bloodshed; it might be done. John Brown was sitting on his coffin and commented on the beautiful landscape of Virginia. In 1859, America was a place where men and women were willing to die for their beliefs and slavery was the main issue. John Brown was violent but he was also a Christian. Slave owners hated him and abolitionists thought he had become the embodiment of all that was noble and courageous. John Brown had failed his whole life but was now succeeding. Browns prophecy divided the nation. America was headed for war. The scaffold on which John Brown was hung had been built in Charlestown, Virginia. Robert E. Lee ordered fifteen hundred soldiers to watch so that there would not be a rescue attempt; however, one actor borrowed a uniform so that he could watch Brown die. The crowd was made up of such noteworthy people as John Wilkes Booth and Stonewall Jackson whom called Brown a traitor and terrorizer. The rope was eventually cut and Brown fell through helplessly and eventually resting. So perish all such enemies of Virginia, Colonel J.T.L Preston chanted. Church bells began to ring and cannon balls were shot in salute of Brown. Henry David Thoreau remarked on the resemblance between the crucifixion of Christ and that of John Brown saying that he is the angel of light. Brown was a tanner, shepherd, and farmer. He was a simple man but his actions were to be studied for years after his life. John Brow...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Zara Supply Chain Strategy

A Zara Supply Chain Strategy The theoretical scope of this literature review is distributed by purchasing strategy and by supply chain strategy prospective. This part of the literature is founded on the Internet and from the articles in the Burch International University library. Through searching for the adequate information’s, definitions, articles, journals etc; research was being executed with the keywords such as purchasing strategy or supply chain strategy or management or just Zara supply chain management. There are different data’s, articles and web sites that were funded by the Internet about the Zara, and all offers different ideas of the research direction. In order to collect lot of useful and accurate material of Zara, I obtain from friend who works as a seller manager in Azel store. A Zara supply chain strategy was the key term of my research and was an important part of my theoretical focus on supply chain strategy. The aim of this research is to give a clear picture of the theoreti cal research and to be able to manage analysis of the Zara case study showing how company purchase and which supply chain strategy perspective is the most convenient for such a company. The purpose of use of review in this research is based on the explaining and verifying the role and impact of purchasing and supply chain strategy of the Zara industry and how it’s making successful. The effects of supply are particularly fundamental in fashion industries of marketing research. Although through this review also it will be described different aspects of supply chain points in the fast fashion industry. INTRODUCTION This review however will be based on the two sections; describing and analyzing the structure of the Zara’s stores and on understanding the influence of purchasing of supply chain strategies. The manufacturing ZARA clothing company has an excellent development of supply chain, practical and innovative distribution channel processes. Brief description of supply chain management In usual supply chain management (SCM) is studied issue in marketing practices and theories as well. â€Å"Supply chain management is a set of approaches utilized to efficiently integrate suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, and stores, so that merchandise is produced and distributed at the right quantities, to the right locations, and at the right time, in order to minimize system wide costs while satisfying service level requirements.† The supply chain management is the active management of supply chain activities to maximize customer value and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. It represents a conscious effort by the supply chain firms to develop and run supply chains in the most effective & efficient ways possible. Supply chain activities cover everything from product development, sourcing, production, and logistics, as well as the information systems needed to coordinate these activities. The organizations that make up the supply chain are â €Å"linked† together through physical flows and information flows. Physical flows involve the transformation, movement, and storage of goods and materials. They are the most visible piece of the supply chain. But just as important are information flows. Information flows allow the various supply chain partners to coordinate their long-term plans, and to control the day-to-day flow of goods and material up and down the supply chain.

Friday, October 18, 2019

See attched Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

See attched - Essay Example The moral law is based â€Å"not in the nature of man, nor in the circumstances of the world in which man is placed, but †¦. A priori solely in the concepts of pure reason.†2 The categorical imperatives of Kant demand us not to tell a lie even when the life of someone may be at risk due to our rigid adherence to the moral rules.3 Helga and Springer have pointed out another outcome of the traditional rules of morality, that is, some feminists have started demanding the moral laws to be based on emotions and personal relationships. According to them, the traditional approach of moral rules places too much emphasis on abstract principles and the role of reason. Though both the views have some weight and there is also some room for criticism on the Kantian morality as well as the feminist approach of ethics of care and emotions, moral theory certainly should be based on rules. The main criticism of the moral theory based on rules is that these rules restrict our actions to do good which have good consequences. The human nature resists such restrictions and seeks liberty and freedom to do what pleases it. As the end of morality is to give happiness to the humanity, this happiness individual wish to seek through doing things according to their instincts rather than guided by some set of rules. That is why; the rules of morality often fail to bind human being to do good according to the set of rules. However, it is wrong to say that our ethical values should be based on our feelings more than the rules. Certainly, rules of morality provide us guidelines to do certain things and help us become civilized. For example, if people are let to do thi ngs instinctively, they would start fighting with other human beings just for the sake of their own pleasure. And if people are guided by their own feelings, they would prefer to do things according to what gratifies them rather than what is based on rational and reason. For instance, it is my feeling sometime that the

The Impact of Third Party Logistic on the Supply Chain Process in The Essay

The Impact of Third Party Logistic on the Supply Chain Process in The Case Of Tesco Plc - Essay Example There are associated different advantages with the effective third party logistics. The advantages of the third party logistics include improvements in the efficiency of labor, increase in the efficiency of the IT, improvement in the customer’s satisfaction and the effective implementation of the supply chain management systems. Table of Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 5 DECLARATION 5 ABSTRACT 5 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 5 Outline of the Study 5 Background of the Research 5 Problem Statement 5 Research Aims 5 Research Objectives 5 Significance of the study 5 Rationale of the study 5 Research Questions 5 Electronic data base searches 5 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 5 Supply Chain Management 5 Third- Party Logistics 5 Overview of the Company 5 Tesco Plc and the Third-party Logistics 5 Pitfalls 5 Strategic objective in the Supply Chain 5 Supply Chain Management (SCM) 5 Retail Sector 5 Principles for managing the Supply Chain 5 Principle No. 1: 5 Principle No. 2: 5 Principle No. 3: 5 Princi ple No. 4: 6 Principle No. 5: 6 Principle No. 6: 6 Principle No. 7: 6 Supply Chain Decisions 6 Location Decisions 6 Production Decisions 6 Inventory Decisions 6 Transportation Decisions 6 Impact of Effective Third Party Logistics 6 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 6 Research Plan / Methodology Perspective 6 Research Design 6 Rationale for a Qualitative Study 6 Rationale for a Quantitative Study 6 Philosophical Framework or Paradigm 6 Appropriate Method 6 Selection of Methods 6 Data Collection Methods 6 Instrument for data collection 6 Data Analysis 6 Justification Method 6 Strength and weakness of the mixed research 6 Strengths 6 Weaknesses 6 Literature Search 6 Reliability/Dependability 6 Validity 6 Ethical Considerations 6 CHAPTER 4: DISCUSSION AND... Just like other activities, the Supply Chain Management is one of the advanced methodologies to ensure a proper and sophisticated supply and distribution of the goods and services by the firms in an industry. This proposal, and the thesis based on it, discusses the concept of the Supply Chain Process and the impact of third party logistics on it. In order to elaborate on the literature review of the subject, the research has been done analytically through the case study approach. For that purpose, the case of Tesco Plc has been considered and a comprehensive view of the topic has been provided in the company’s context. In order to provide a structure to the study, the exploration has been guided through the use of research methodologies, the collection of data through secondary research and the interpretation of the results. Background of the Research For the purpose of researching upon the company, Tesco has been considered to be analyzed in terms of the supply chain process. The investigation will also be performed to judge the impact of third party logistics on the supply chain processes of the organization. According to Rayport and Sviokla (2006), Tesco plc is merchandise and the global grocery retailer based in Cheshunt, United Kingdom.

Time Warp 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Time Warp 2 - Essay Example This tool helped me achieve my goal of yielding higher profits for Handheld, Corp. In this report, I included my analysis, the strategies I used, and what factors affected revenues for product X5, X6, and X7. Time Warp 1 Maribel P. Jabido Academia Research May 8, 2011 Analysis On the PDA simulator I had a final score of 1,185,800,553. I did better than Joe Schmoe by 20,890,196. I have observed that Joe’s strategy was a â€Å"lazy† implementation of marketing. If he took the time to analyze the performance of a product and what prices were appropriate to set, he would yield higher profits. I have made numerous attempts using a simulator to prove that my strategies worked better. I followed the advisor’s analysis and used it as my guide in pricing and allocation of R&D. One strategy I used for marketing handheld products is market segmentation. This is implemented by providing handheld products in different categories (X5, X6, and X7) to serve specific needs of tar get customers and increasing market share. Even with the discontinuation of X5 handheld in 2009, it was a strategy to market better available products to attract buyers. Pricing strategy was also what I’ve used relative to R & D allocations to generate profits. For instance, X5 sales were starting to decline. In 2008, I did not drop the price significantly or I would lose a lot of money. I was able to keep customers who purchased the X5 handheld for $240. Then, I decided to discontinue the product the following year to avoid more losses. R&D allocations were a bit tricky. I used the advisor’s analysis to manipulate the allocations. For example, when X5 was discontinued in 2009, I kept the same prices for X6 and X7 as of 2008 in 2009 and increased their R&D allocations to 30% and 70% respectively. The tremendous Jabido 2 increase in R&D had a positive impact on revenues. However, in 2008, I decided to distribute R&D of 25% equally to X5, X6, and X7 handheld products. Wh en I tried to reduce X5 R&D to 10%, I had a higher loss. With 25% R&D I was able to avoid the loss of -9,870,920 and reduced it to a loss of -$6,176,598. If I didn’t adjust that 10% R&D, it would affect profits for 2009. I also based my analysis on the product performance and on what level they are in terms of sales. For instance, X7 handheld was in the ‘growth phase’ in 2006 with a profit of $3,199,108. The following year, I reduced its price to $200 and allocated a higher R&D of 25%. The result was phenomenal. I had a profit of $23,555,939. Maintaining the price and R&D the following year, the profit for X7 was more than doubled. Here’s the breakdown of prices, R&D allocations, and profits for X5, X6, and X7: 2006 I increased the prices for all handheld products and decreased their R&D. As a result, advisory said X7 handheld was in the growth phase and potential X7 customers were new customers. X7 handheld performance was holding steady while X6 was pric ed the same as other competing products. Joe gained a higher profit of $295,185,249 in 2006. He performed better with all X5, X6, and X7 handhelds because the prices were lower although it was temporary. Jabido 3 2007 Since X6 performance was better than that of competition, I decided to maintain the price and R&D and it paid off as I had a higher profit. Joe sold X6 for only $400 this year which he could’ve made profit by selling them slightly higher. However, X5 sales were declining so I slightly lowered the price which is

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Tourism and Hospitality Businesses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6250 words

Tourism and Hospitality Businesses - Essay Example In this regard, an effective brand positioning strategy will be formulated for the company through identifying the current scenario of the industry in the respective industry in this study. Furthermore, the report will also incorporate the roles of different stakeholder groups along with the significance of marketing audit process in Thomas Cook. 2.0. Analysing the Fundamental Structure and Goals of Thomas Cook Group Plc Thomas Cook Group Plc (TCG) is recognised as one of the renowned and most successful brands in the global tourism and hospitality industry. The organisation has been performing with a consistent growth marketing its wide range of exceptional tourism and hospitality facilities to the global clients. In relation to the business structure and strategic goals of the company, it is widely accepted that the organisation highly seeks to develop its growth through complying with its fundamental guiding principles (Thomas Cook Group Plc, 2013). The fundamental structure of TC G has been thus considerably focused on empowering customer experiences through its exceptional leisure travel facilities and practices. In this context, the business structure of the company can be regarded as one of the major and crucial parts which ensure to accomplish its desired business goals in the global tourism and hospitality industry. The business structure of TCG also tends to comply with numerous groups and individuals who are highly committed to abide by the strategic direction of the company deciphering extensive stakeholder engagement (Thomas Cook Group Plc, 2010). Fig: Board Composition structure of TCG Plc. Source: (Thomas Cook Group Plc, 2009) The major divisions in the organisational... This essay approves that the Human Resource Management division of TCG can also be regarded as one of primary contributors which have empowered the organisation to meet its ultimate financial and operational goals. In this regard, the HRM division of the company tends to follow well-structured and specific as well as transparent principles which are likely to improve the performance of the employees and ensure to increase the ultimate productivity of the organisation. Moreover, the HRM department of the organisation comprises adequate measure throughout the organisational structure that enables the employees to continuously reinforce their capabilities. This report makes a conclusion that TCG has been recognised as one of the major dominant and reliable tourism and hospitality organisations which intend to reinforce its performance through developing its business structure and its predetermined business goals in accordance with the external market changes. The business structure of the organisation is highly authenticated in accordance with its stipulated business objectives and goals which further indicate long term sustainability of TCG in the fiercely growing tourism and hospitality industry. In this regard, adequate significant of TCG towards the analysis and compliance of the organisational policies with the current industrial circumstances can provide adequate support to TCG in terms of increasing its efficiency of delivering exceptional tourism and hospitality packages to the global clients. In this context, the company should highly emphasise on preserving effective balance between the internal and external groups of stakeho lders.

Christian Afterlife Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Christian Afterlife - Essay Example ok in the communication between God and people according to the Christian faith, the New Testament (with concentration on Paul) gives a clear vision of the life of Christians as that which already takes part in the realities of heaven. Such Christian life is to be put into experience only after the return of Jesus Christ as well as the resurrection of human bodies. On the other hand, the Old Testament book in the bible, (Note that the Bible usually is divided into two testaments- the New and the Old) shows the images of afterlife less vividly in comparison with the New Testament. As a matter of fact, the image of afterlife in the Old Testament is only developed in a modest manner. Thus, the Old Testament, instead of concentrating on the issue of afterlife, gives a wide focus on the care that God offers to people in the context of earthly bestowments like offspring and land. It also touches on the punishment of God to the people such as the Israelites who were not faithful as well as the pagan nations in the form of death or exile. Christians, though, view the Old Testament as promising afterlife to God’s people. For instance, there is the part in the Old Testament that talks about the promises to Abraham by God in terms of offspring/land as symbolic to his afterlife blessing. This is due to the fact that the promises given by God to Abraham were not really experienced until a long time subsequent to his demise. This sense is fully expounded upon once one reads the New Testament of the Bible. (Ryken, et al, 1998 pp16,17) Those beliefs that Christians uphold are put in what is called Creeds. There are two majorly essential creeds according to the Christianity religion and these are the Nicene Creed and the Apostles Creed. They (Christians) only believe that there exists only a single God, and his nature is that of Love and relationship. God’s nature is vividly expressed in the Trinity belief for majority Christians and that these are three persons by the names

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

To what extent was the CIA and the US Government involved in the 1973 Research Paper

To what extent was the CIA and the US Government involved in the 1973 Coup with Chile. Need sources from the American perspectiv - Research Paper Example A strategy was taken after the 4th September 1970 elections to prevent Allende from taking over office. The strategy involved the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) influencing a congressional run off vote as a constitutional requirement since Allende’s victory was not on absolute majority. According to Mirza (270), the intention of the operation was to make the Chileans aware of dangers of the Marxist regime which was to come with Allende’s reign. Allende was a member of the Socialist Party of Chile and he was the Popular Unity between the coalition of communists, socialists, radicals and the Christian democrats. A Marxist, Allende’s program was to nationalize most of the banks and private industries. He also programmed massive land expropriation as well as collectivization. His opposers included Radomiro Tomic of the Christian Democratic Party and Jorge Alessandri. Allende received 36% of the vote winning over Alessadri (34%) and Tomic (27%). Allende won the maj ority but had votes that were less than the popular vote which did not meet the requirements set out in the constitution. The controversy behind Allende’s victory was that he was against the United States’ national interest over Chile. In spite of pressure from the United States, supporters of Allende together with Christian democrats voted for Allende. ... The CIA took various actions, for instance, it made overtures to foreign governments against Salvador’s presidency. According to Hastedt (80), the CIA also circulated propaganda for local media placement which aimed at mobilizing support to raise public opposition against Allende. The CIA contacted a lay man who had connections with church leaders to influence them against Allende. Chilean military officers improved their connections with station officers. Eduardo Frei of the Christian Democratic Party was encouraged to use his influence and encourage officers to form a new government before Allende was elected by the congress as the president. Frei was reluctant to take this action. Between 5th and 20th October, 1970, the station mobilized more contacts with the key Chilean military officers convincing them to engage in a coup .An attachee of the US embassy’s army was put under CIA station as the operational controller. He also relayed vital information to the military . Four of the CIA officers in non-official cover were instructed to meet with the Chilean officers who participated in plotting the coup. This was the track 11 plan which involved a military coup although it failed. The truck one plan involved political action which was aimed at discouraging the congress from electing Allende as the president. Track two failed as a result of the assassination of the army commander, Schneider. He was a strong supporter of the constitution of Chile and a defender of a military coup against Allende. As noted by Schmitz (101), the CIA and the United States government had agreed that absence of Schneider would prove a better position to plan the coup. One of the coup plotters, Robert Viaux, who was a retired

Christian Afterlife Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Christian Afterlife - Essay Example ok in the communication between God and people according to the Christian faith, the New Testament (with concentration on Paul) gives a clear vision of the life of Christians as that which already takes part in the realities of heaven. Such Christian life is to be put into experience only after the return of Jesus Christ as well as the resurrection of human bodies. On the other hand, the Old Testament book in the bible, (Note that the Bible usually is divided into two testaments- the New and the Old) shows the images of afterlife less vividly in comparison with the New Testament. As a matter of fact, the image of afterlife in the Old Testament is only developed in a modest manner. Thus, the Old Testament, instead of concentrating on the issue of afterlife, gives a wide focus on the care that God offers to people in the context of earthly bestowments like offspring and land. It also touches on the punishment of God to the people such as the Israelites who were not faithful as well as the pagan nations in the form of death or exile. Christians, though, view the Old Testament as promising afterlife to God’s people. For instance, there is the part in the Old Testament that talks about the promises to Abraham by God in terms of offspring/land as symbolic to his afterlife blessing. This is due to the fact that the promises given by God to Abraham were not really experienced until a long time subsequent to his demise. This sense is fully expounded upon once one reads the New Testament of the Bible. (Ryken, et al, 1998 pp16,17) Those beliefs that Christians uphold are put in what is called Creeds. There are two majorly essential creeds according to the Christianity religion and these are the Nicene Creed and the Apostles Creed. They (Christians) only believe that there exists only a single God, and his nature is that of Love and relationship. God’s nature is vividly expressed in the Trinity belief for majority Christians and that these are three persons by the names

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Benjamin Franklin Essay Example for Free

Benjamin Franklin Essay I. INTRODUCTION Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston as the son of a candle maker. From humble beginnings, he grew into a renowned figure of American history. â€Å"He became famous for being a scientist, an inventor, a statesman, a printer, a philosopher, a musician, and an economist†. Today, Americans recognize him for being one of our Founding Fathers and a prominent citizen of the city of Philadelphia. In his autobiography, Franklin shows that he desired self-improvement and in pursuit of this goal focused on improvements of four different types: intellectual, moral, business, and social. II. BODY Franklin’s intellectual improvements were numerous. As a child, he had a thirst for knowledge. He exhibited a readiness to learn and read at an early age, and while in school, he rose to the head of his class and then skipped a grade. After Franklin’s father pointed out that he had a poor manner of writing, Franklin resolved to improve not only his manner of writing but also his arrangement of thoughts in his written work. His ambition was to become a good English writer. In his young age, he also was intent on improving his language and when he got older he taught himself French, Italian, Spanish, and Latin. He used the library as a means of improvement by constant study of one to two hours per day here. Franklin went to great lengths to achieve moral improvement. As a young man, Franklin developed a plan regulating his future conduct in life that he adhered to even in his old age. He wrote a list of moral characters that he would like to possess such as temperance, fr ugality, and humility. He had thirteen categories in all that he wrote down in a book to carry with him. He had a separate column for each day of the week. He would pull out the book and mark which virtues he felt he had committed a fault in that day so that he may examine them and improve upon them. During the course of this practice, Franklin said that he found himself fuller of faults than he would have thought, but he had the satisfaction of seeing those faults diminish. His actions also showed that he strove for moral perfection. He thought excessive drinking was a detestable habit and abstained from doing so when his coworkers drank all day long. He spent no time in taverns, playing games, or displaying antics of any kind. He also believed in the importance of frugality and did his best to save money on housing. During the eighteen months he lived in London, he worked hard and spent little on himself except for the occasional play or book. It was his practice of frugality that lead to his wealth and distinction later in life. Benjamin Franklin had a Quaker friend that pointed out that he thought that Franklin had a problem with pride and so Franklin endeavored to be more humble. He attributed his humility, or sometimes his appearance of humility, with allowing him to hold so much weight with his fellow citizens. Franklin also strove for truth, sincerity, and integrity in all of his business dealings. Not only did Franklin improve intellectually and morally but he also made improvements in business. In little time after becoming an apprentice to his brother, he exhibited great proficiency in the printing business. He was able to take a failing newspaper and make it profitable by developing a better type and better print which led to an increase in the number of subscribers. He made a mold to be used in printing houses to combat the problem of equipment deficiencies. He also made a copper press to print paper money. He filled the spaces in Poor Richard’s Almanac with proverbial sentences for the benefit of its readers. Similarly, he made use of newspapers to communicate instruction. Franklin also contributed greatly to social improvements in his day. He formed a club of mutual improvement called JUNTO. He started the Philadelphia public library which was an institution that was imitated by other towns. He laid the ground work for a more effective city watch and started the first fire company. He established a Philosophical Society in Pennsylvania and also an academy that grew into the University of Pennsylvania. He invented a more efficient and economical stove known as the Franklin stove. He helped in the establishing of a hospital in Philadelphia and also in streets being paved. Franklin was generally successful in his attempts at self-improvement, excelling from an early age. He attempted to be the best person he could be and genuinely desired to help others. He convinced coworkers to stop drinking and spend their money of food instead and also loaned money to them. He loaned money to his friends, Collins and Ralph, even though they took advantage of him and never repaid their debts. He recognized that Keimer was only using him to train his workers and then was going to fire him, yet Franklin still cheerfully put Keimer’s printing house in order. Franklin was also always eager to help young beginners. He further demonstrated that he was not a self-promoter when he had a chance for a better business deal but declined because of the obligations he felt he had with his current partners. III. CONCLUSION Franklin has long been revered as one of the great figures of American history. As a Founding Father, he was instrumental in the early days of shaping the American government. Throughout his lifetime, he strove for improvement in intellectual, moral, business, and social areas and was successful in his attempts in each of these areas. He was a benevolent individual who desired to help others, and he authored his autobiography in the hope that posterity would follow his example and reap the same benefits References Benjamin Franklin: Glimpses of the Man. 1994. The Franklin Institute Science Museum. (accessed June 4, 2012). Franklin, Benjamin. 1909. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. Ed. Charles W. Eliot. New York: P F Collier Son Company.

Monday, October 14, 2019


SUSTAINABLE ENTERPRISE SUSTAINABILITY MONITORING SYSTEM Introduction This paper describes about a monitoring system that monitors the sustainability of a business. It is very important for all businesses to measure their sustainability periodically from the people, planet and profit perspective to make the business operations more effective. Business monitoring system does the job of doctors where they use the medical monitoring systems to diagnose problems that cause hindrance to the sustainability of patients. The difference is that medical monitoring system monitors the health of patients while business monitoring system monitors the operations of a business activity. Proper monitoring of business can help to reduce risk by making proper decisions at proper time. Every business will have certain obligations to the people associated with it and also towards the nature. The economic aspect is also equally important. The triple bottom line or the three pillars people/social, planet/environmental and profit/economic are briefly discussed in the report. The paper also identifies and discusses the sustainability indicators of the leading energy and petrochemical company, the Royal Dutch Shell. Dimensions People, Planet and profit also called as the triple bottom line captures the essence of sustainability by measuring the impact of an organisations activities on the world. Variation in companys profitability and share holders value and its social, human and environmental capital is reflected by the triple bottom line (Savitz, A.W Weber, K, 2006). There is no universally accepted definition for triple bottom line but a positive triple bottom line indicates that the business operates in an effective manner. The figure shows the dimensions as three spheres of sustainability. People: The social impacts of the company are easier to measure when compared to the economic and environmental. Employee satisfaction, their health and safety, impacts on local community and consumers are the main factors to be monitored to ensure the social sustainability. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) identifies four core social performance indicators. They are: Labour Practices: Employment, Health and Safety, Management relations, Diversity, Training Education. Human Rights: Freedom of association, strategy and management, non-discrimination, collective bargaining. Safety: Community, Bribery corruption, political contributions. Product responsibility: Products services, Customer health safety, Respect for privacy. It is a challenge for all the organisations to be socially accountable even though the customers expect the businesses to be so. Polls conducted on corporate social responsibility found 45% of 25,000 respondents believing that higher ethical standards should be set by the companies and thus help to build a better society. 40% of them even opined to punish the companies which are not socially responsible (Miller, E, 2010). Profit: The economic dimension of sustainability concerns about the impact of the organisation on its stake holders economic circumstances. This dimension focuses on improving the economic status of stake holders rather than the financial status of the company itself. The financial indicators are considered to be the sub set of economic indicators as it focuses primarily on the profitability of the organisation for informing the stake holders and management (Slater, A, 2004). The economic performance indicators identified by the GRI are: Sales, Profit, Return on investment Tax paid Monetary flows Jobs created The economic indicators identified by the GRI divides the stake holders in to five major groups and figure the economic impact on them. The groups and the major factors that indicate their economic status are as follows: Customers: The monetary flow is indicated by the net sales and geographic break down of markets. Suppliers: The monetary flow is indicated by the cost of all goods, materials and services purchased. Employees: Total payroll and benefits that include wages, pension, redundancy payment etc indicates the monetary flow. Providers of capital: Increase or decrease of the retained earnings at the end of the period indicates the monetary flow. Public sector: Total sum of taxes and the factors such as donations to community, civil societies etc are the indicators. Planet: The ecological sustainability focuses more on meeting the needs of present generation without affecting the possibilities of future generation to meet their needs (Inge de Groot, 2001). It is important for all the organisations to give special care for nature by preventing the hazards caused to all living organisms by its activities. Companies should integrate the care for environment in to its business. This dimension considers the impact of companys activity on the environment. The environmental performance indicators considered by the GRI are: Materials: Volume of materials used and the percentage of recycled materials Energy: Direct and indirect energy consumption by the primary energy source, energy saved due to conservation, steps taken to reduce energy requirement by promoting renewable energy based products and also the steps taken to reduce indirect energy consumption. Water: Total water withdrawal and the percentage of volume of water recycled and reused. Biodiversity: Size and location of land owned near the protected areas of high biodiversity, Strategies for managing impacts on biodiversity etc. Emissions, Effluents and waste: Direct and indirect green house gas emissions and the initiatives to reduce it, emissions of ozone depleting substances, total volume of spills. Transport: The environmental impacts of transporting goods and materials used for the organisations operations and transporting the members of workplace. Company Description Royal Dutch Shell is an energy and petrochemical company operating globally which has its headquarter at Hague, The Netherlands. It is currently the global leader in oil and gas industry and also seeks to reinforce its position in order to provide a competitive return to their share holders while helping to meet the global energy demand. The company values honesty, integrity and respect for people, that forms the basis of their general principles. The company was established in the year 1907 by the oil export company named Shell and Royal Dutch, the petroleum company. The company expanded to Europe, Africa and America in the early twentieth century and excelled, as the mass production of cars has opened up a vast market. Many Shell operations closed down during the First World War, but after the Second World War, in the years 1950s and 1960s there was a dramatic increase in its oil output and sales. In 1980s, the company explored solutions for many environmental concerns by installing new technologies and launched new products. In July 2005, the parent companies Royal Dutch and Shell unified to form Royal Dutch Shell. According to the Fortune magazine, Shell has been ranked at second place in the year 2010 among the top 500 companies in the world and first among the oil companies followed by Exxon Mobil and BP, in terms of revenue. Rank Company Revenue($ Million) 1 Wall-Mart 408,214 2 Royal Dutch Shell 285,129 3 Exxon Mobil 284,650 4 BP 246,138 Shell operates in more than 90 countries in the world having around 101,000 employees working with it. It produces almost 3.1 million barrels of gas and oil everyday and has sold 145 billion litres of fuel. It runs more than 35 refineries and chemical plants. As a part of sustainable development, it has spent $2 billion on Carbon dioxide and renewable energy technologies over the last couple of years. $13 billion has been spent with locally owned companies in low and middle income countries in the year 2009. $132 billion has also been spent in the same year on social investment program. Indicators for the company This part of the paper explores the indicators used by the company to measure its performance and thus analyse the sustainability. The key indicators falling under each of the dimensions are listed below. Socio-Cultural: Human Rights: Shell has categorized the human rights into five layers. All the layers are shown below. Source: (The Shell Report, 2001, P.13) The inner layers identify the companys duty towards the staff, security and local communities, whereas the outer layer identifies the duty towards the government and also support the international codes. The company has designed a Health, Safety and Environment Management System (HSE) to protect its employees from harmful activities. Shell also supports the ILO declaration of principles and rights at work. Shell has played a major role in the development of voluntary principles on security and human rights. The company has come up with a new social management unit which identifies and promotes good practise and operations in communities. The company is also guided by the UN Global Compact, OECD Guidelines for multinational enterprises and Global Sullivan principles while investing in foreign countries. Diversity: The company has a systematic approach to manage its diversity. Shell believes that it will earn more respect if it attracts people from various backgrounds and experience. As a result, it will help the company maintain good relationship with others and help in competing in assorted cultures and markets. Security: Security involves the protection of the employees and safeguarding the shareholders investment. The company abides by the law and order which is at par with the international law enforcement standards. Armed security is used when there is any legal issue or when there is no alternative to manage the risk. There is security group that protects the employees, property and information. Health Safety: The company has a systematic approach to manage HSE. The company must follow all the Group HSE Policy and Procedures. Shell uses a parameter called Total Reportable Occupational Illness Frequency which monitors the health performance of all the employees. The year 2009 recorded the lowest mortality and injury rate for Shell. Source: (The Royal Dutch Shell Sustainability Report, 2009, P.35) ENVIRONMENTAL: Shell is always in search for new ways to reduce its harmful impact on the environment. It has come up with new substances that would cause less harm to the nature. The year 2001 was a disappointing year because it failed to meet the target and could not perform up to the mark. There was also an increase in gas flaring and oil spills which caused more harm to the environment. Climate Change: Climate change is one of the biggest challenges faced by the society today. To overcome this challenge, Shell is taking initiatives in building up an energy system for future that would reduce environmental risks. It has come up with 6 pathways that will reduce carbon-dioxide and help in achieving low-carbon energy for future. The six pathways are: Increase the efficiency of all the operations. Establish a substantial capability in CO2 capture and storage (CCS). Continue to research and develop technologies that increase efficiency and reduce emissions in hydrocarbon production. Develop low-CO2 sources of energy, including natural gas and low-CO2 fuels. Manage energy demands by growing the market for products and services that help customers to use less energy and emit less CO2. Work with governments and advocate the need for more effective CO2 regulation. Shell is now moving over to bio fuels, emphasizing more on the sustainability of the first generation bio fuels. It is an indication of the evolution of bio fuels which will help in reduction of CO2 gas in the near future. Green House Gas Emission: Shell is taking steps in inventing new technologies to improve energy efficiencies by reducing the green house gas emissions. It has been noted in the year 2009 that, the direct Green House gas emission from the facilities operated by the company were 67 million tonnes on a Carbon dioxide equivalent basis which is lower than in 2008 by 11%. Water: The World Health Organisation has stated that one out of three people doesnt get water to meet their needs. Shell uses advanced technologies to reduce the usage of fresh water though they cannot stop water usage for certain refining processes. Shells operations used around 198 million cubic meters of water in the year 2009 which is significantly lesser than the amount of water used in the previous year. The new technologies implemented by shell focuses on using recycled water instead of fresh water. Biodiversity: The company also operates in some areas which has the risk of harming the biodiversity. Shell considers protecting the ecosystem as an important factor and hence before starting any project, the company carries out analysis and tests that identify and measure the impact of the risk to biodiversity and develop strategies and procedures to minimize these risks. Ozone Depletion Substance: Halocarbons like Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) are released into the air which causes depletion in the ozone layer. In order to help in saving the environment, Shell has stopped the manufacturing of ozone depleting substances. Spills: In spite of having the procedures and systems to indicate and prevent oil spills, they do occur due to operational failure or accidents. Shell has spilled around 1,300 tonnes of oil last year which is recorded as the lowest till date. The company has suffered massive loss when a hurricane struck the Gulf of Mexico, fracturing all the pipelines. Source: (The Royal Dutch Shell Sustainability Report, 2009, P.36) Source: (The Royal Dutch Shell Sustainability Report, 2009, P.34) Economic: Shell is a group of energy and petrochemical companies that aims to meet the energy needs of the society which are environmentally, economically and socially feasible. The company generates substantial revenue for the government. $9.2 billion has been paid in corporate taxes in the year 2009. $80 billion in excise duties and sales tax has also been collected on behalf of government on the fuels and other products transported or sold. In 2009, the income of the company was $12.7 billion and returned $10.5 to its shareholders. The company also spent $1.1 billion on research and development. Their net capital investment of $28.9 billion would help their business to maintain sustainable in future. By December 2009, the production of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) exceeded a total of 1 million barrels of oil. Shell came up with a new Mono-Ethylene Glycol (MEG) unit in Singapore which proved to be a key milestone for Shell Eastern Petrochemicals Complex that will be in action by mid 2010. The unit will provide a supply of 750,000 tonnes of MEG per year to the Asian Market. Shell has also started with two LNG projects called Pearl GTL which is the worlds largest gas-to-liquid plant and Qatargas 4. Pearl GTL will deliver 140,000 barrels a day of clean diesel and kerosene and 120,000 barrels a day of natural gas. Qatargas 4 will help in converting 1.4 billion cubic feet of gas into Liquefied Natural Gas. The companys financial, operational and sustainable aspects have been evaluated by certain key indicators and a score card has been set up by the company depending up on those. It can be noticed from the score card that Shell has a better sustainable development performance in 2009 compared to the previous year. Source: (The Royal Dutch Shell Sustainability Report, 2009, P.9) Conclusion The social, economic and environmental dimensions of Royal Dutch Shell have been monitored by using the relevant indicators. By analysing the figures mentioned in the report, it can be noticed that there is a consistent improvement every year in most of the areas of the company. If the social dimension is considered, the company has given more priority to the health and safety of the workers. It can be noted from the social data that the lowest injury rate is recorded in 2009 and there has been a significant reduction in the injury rate every year. $132 million has been spent by Shell on social investment, especially for projects on community development. It can be suggested that, the company should conduct a periodic survey regarding the problems faced by their workers to make their operations more employee friendly and effective. All companies especially oil companies should give major attention in protecting the nature. Recent oil spill at the Gulf of Mexico by B.P has caused huge loss for the company and also destroyed the natural resources and aquatic life. Shell has implemented new technologies to protect the ecosystem by preventing the hazardous impacts caused by their operations. It can be seen from the environmental data mentioned in the report that the company has taken steps to improve the energy efficiency, and the green house gas emission is recorded to be reducing every year. They have limited the usage of fresh water for their operations and also technologies for using recycled water have been implemented. The company should focus on preventing oil spills even though the amount of oil spilled was recorded to be lowest in the year 2009. From the graphs, it can be figured out that there is no consistency in the steps taken to reduce oil spills as it went high in 2008 compared to the previous years and again came down in the year 2009. Shell should take measures to employ new technologies to stop spills and invest more on it. The economic indicators of the company indicate that shell has made and continues to make good profits for its share holders. There is a greater transparency in the payments made by the company to the government and they have generated ample revenue for the government. The company has also invested a good amount of money for maintaining a sustainable business development in future. A significant amount has been spent on research and development. The annual income of the company and its return to share holders indicates that the Shell is economically stable. By monitoring all the performances of the company it can be concluded that Royal Dutch Shell moves in the right track of sustainable development by giving equal importance to people, planet and profit dimensions.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Minority Mental Illness Essay -- essays research papers

Mental health is essential to overall health as well as efficiency. It is the foundation for thriving contributions to family, district, and culture. All through the lifespan, mental health is the source of thoughts and communication skills, knowledge, pliability, and self-esteem. It is all too easy to dismiss the worth of mental health until troubles emerges (Brager, G. & Holloway, S., 1978). Mental health troubles and illnesses are factual and disabling conditions that are experienced by one in five Americans. Those who do not get treatment, mental illnesses can consequence in disability and desolation for families, schools, societies, and the workplace. The mainly important aspect of minorities’ health and wellness is the one that gets the slightest concentration ‘mental health’. Many minorities have to contract with numerous stressful issues at once (Hagedorn, 1977). For instance, current immigrants have to settle in to a new country, learn a new language, look for a good and secure job, afford proper residence for their family, and may also miss their relatives, and friends in their motherland of origin. Further, young minorities have to compact with finding their own ethnic uniqueness and how they fit into their specific racial community. Moreover, all minority communities frequently have to compact with the gloomy and often agonizing realities of what it means to be minority community and a person of color in American society and the chauvinism, inequity, and racism that on occasion goes along with it. Cultural and social features contribute to the causation of mental illness, yet that involvement varies by disorder. Though, Cultures diverge with esteem to the significance they instruct to mental illness, their approach of making sense of the prejudiced experience of illness and distress (Hagedorn, 1977). The implication of an illness refers to entrenched outlooks and beliefs a culture holds concerning whether an illness is actual or probable, whether it is of the body or the mind, whether it deserves understanding, how much disgrace surrounds it, what might ground it, and what kind of person might yield to it. Cultural significance of mental illness have real consequences in terms of whether people are aggravated to look for treatment, how they deal with their indications, how helpful their relatives and communities are, where they search for ... ...ficantly on verbal communication between patient and clinician concerning symptoms, their temperament, strength, and collision on functioning. While lots of mental health professionals endeavor to deliver treatment that is receptive to the culture of the patient, problems can take place. (Anthony, Kennard, O'Brien, Forbes, R. 1986). Physicians must be alert to the prospect of overlooking mental health disorders along with their minority patients. The consequences suggest also the requirement for strategies to look up the discovery of such problems in certain patient populations, mainly African Americans, and Hispanics. References Anthony, W. A., Kennard, W. A., O'Brien, W. F. & Forbes, R. (1986). Psychiatric rehabilitation: Past myths and current realities. 2. Brager, G. & Holloway, S. (1978). Changing Human services organizations: Politics and practice. New York: Free Press. 3. Hagedorn, H. (1977). A manual on state mental health planning (DHHS Publication. Washington, DC: U. S. Government Printing Office. 4. Hasenfeld, Y. (1983). Human service organizations. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. 5. Levitt, T. (1988). Command and consent Harvard Business Review

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Frederic Chopin Essay -- Composer Biography Papers

Frederic Chopin Frederic Chopin, the Polish composer and pianist, was born on March 1,1810, according to the statements of the artist himself and his family, but according to his baptismal certificate, which was written several weeks after his birth, the date was 22 February. His birthplace was the village of Zelazowa Wola, part of the Duchy of Warsaw. The musical talent of Frederic became apparent extremely early on, and it was compared with the childhood genius of Mozart. Already at the age of 7, Frederic was the author of two polonaises, the first being published in the engraving workshop of Father Cybulski. The prodigy was featured in the Warsaw newspapers, and little Chopin became the attraction and ornament of receptions given in the aristocratic salons of the capital. He also began giving public charity concerts. His first professional piano lessons lasted from 1816 to 1822, when his teacher was no longer able to give any more help to a pupil whose skills surpassed his own. Wilhelm Wà ¼rfel, a renowned pianist and professor at the Warsaw Conservatory, supervised the further development of Frederic’s talent. Wà ¼rfel would offer valuable, although irregular, advice as regards playing the piano and organ to young Chopin. Frederic later attended the Warsaw Lyceum where his father was one of the professors. He spent his summer holidays in estates belonging to the parents of his school friends in various parts of the country. The young composer listened to and noted down the texts of folk songs, took part in peasant weddings and harvest festivities, danced, and played a folk instrument resembling a double bass with the village musicians; all of which he described in his letters. Chopin became well acquainted with the fol... ...ttish aristocracy. This exceptionally hectic life style and excessive strain on his strength from constant traveling and numerous performances, together with a climate deleterious to his lungs, further damaged his health. In November of 1848, despite frailty and a fever, Chopin gave his last concert, playing for Polish à ©migrà ©s in the Guildhall in London. A few days later, he returned to Paris His rapidly progressing disease made it impossible to continue giving lessons. In the summer of 1849 the eldest sister of the composer came from Warsaw to take care of her ill brother. On October 17, 1849, Chopin died of pulmonary tuberculosis in his Parisian flat. Though he was buried in Paris, his heart was removed from his body and was placed in an urn installed in a pillar of the Holy Cross church in Krakowskie Przedmiscie Bibliography: Groves Music Dictionary

Friday, October 11, 2019

Good vs. Evil in Psycho Essay

â€Å"Psycho† is a classic suspense film directed by Alfred Hitchcock which features a central female protagonist, a seemingly ordinary young woman named Marion Crane, who crosses paths with a dangerous mentally ill motel owner, Norman Bates. As their strange relationship develops, a dominant theme of good versus evil is introduced to the audience through the use of characterisation, editing, mise-en-scene and various other media techniques. From the outset, Hitchcock introduces an initial theme of good versus evil during the opening credits. The title scene could be seen as a reflection of the personality of Norman Bates as the credits themselves are presented as fragmented titles which come together as one on the screen but then shake and split up again, which hints towards the disjointed personality of Bates. The fact that the titles are dotted around the screen suggests that his character is severely unbalanced and not in a stable condition, foreshadowing the idea that his mind is in different places at different times and it is hard to tell when his mind-set will alter. The contrasting colours used in this scene are also important to the later character development as the black, white and grey each reflect the constantly conflicting part of Bates’ temperament. The darker areas on the screen reflect the deepest inner shadow of his mind, while the lighter areas show that he can also be a good person. They show the persistent inner conflict and the constant battle between good and evil. The grey, however, represents the uncertain parts of his split personality but could also be interpreted to refer to the indecision and doubt seen in the character of Marion as the film develops. This primary theme is developed as we are familiarised with the character of Marion Crane, the dominant leading role. We first see her meeting up with her boyfriend, Sam, in a hotel room during her lunch hour. The camera enters the room by zooming through the window and Hitchcock wants us to feel as if we are intruding on a private moment between the characters inside. This sense of voyeurism is clearly accentuated by the very first shot of the couple which is very personal and intimate – making the viewer feel rather awkward. This scene acts as a vital link to the film as a whole and is fundamental for the expansion of the theme of good and evil as it gives Marion a clear reason to steal the money in the scene that follows. Marion is presented as a good character at this point as her good intentions are outlined: we see that she just wants to marry Sam and for them to be able to be together respectably. When Sam states that he would not be able to provide for her, Marion is given an obvious ulterior motive and a chance to make the transition from good to evil, therefore setting up the entire film. We also notice that, the first time we see Marion, she is wearing white underwear: hinting to her kind and innocent personality but, when we see her after she has made the decision to steal the money, she is wearing black underwear. This visual symbolism presents a contrast between the two different stages of characterisation and depicts the character change of Marion as she goes from good to evil. Similar to the original view of Marion, when we first meet Norman Bates he seems like a very ordinary person, but as the scenes progress we begin to notice slight abnormalities in his behaviour. When Marion arrives at the Bates Motel, the heavy rain which forces her to stop is foreshadowing her impending doom while acting as effective pathetic fallacy as she is feeling isolated and guilty at this point. The fact that Norman hesitates before giving her the key to cabin one hints at his irregularity, along with the fact that he opens the window as soon as he enters the room – as if he is setting up his own escape route – and he never mentions the bathroom, foretelling the event which will take place there. Also, when Marion is checking into the motel, what should have been a clear view of Bates is blurred in the mirror: showing that he is changeable and that his personality is hazy. In a similar shot, only half of his face is shown and this clearly symbolises the fact that only one half of him can ever be fully good at any one time – the other half will always remain evil. However, sympathy is also evoked for Norman in this scene as we see that his mother takes an instant dislike to Marion – something which you would not normally see between two strangers. We see how close – and slightly strange – the relationship between Norman and his mother and the unnatural dependence they have on each other, showing that Norman is trapped in his current situation and making him seem like a good person. A similar effect is used throughout the scene in Norman’s parlour by with the use of light and dark as the lighting picks out significant features such as only one side of Norman’s face and the underside of the owl’s wings. The owl with its wings spread signifies his mother controlling his mind and shows that she is ever present, although we never see her, even when he is behaving normally she will always be inside his mind, therefore making the viewer feel sympathetic towards him as he has no control over his actions. Conversely, framing him next to an owl may suggest that Norman is a predator and the owl is his equal. Like the owl, many other birds are featured in the parlour scene, linking back to the recurring theme. Framing Marion next to them when she first enters the room makes her seem vulnerable and presents her as equal to the birds which Norman has stuffed. The shower scene is important to the character development of Marion as we see her clear transition from the evil character she turned into after stealing the money back to the good character we saw in the beginning. She has changed her mind about stealing the money and has made the decision to go home. We are able to pinpoint the exact moment of relief as she flushes the toilet: it is as if she is flushing away her problems and guilt. This effect is also used when the water goes down the plughole in the shower: representing the washing away of her sins. However, I feel that this image could also be taken to represent evil as Marion’s life is being washed away and she is going to down to Hell for the sins she has committed. A contrast between Norman and his Mother is clearly displayed in this scene although we also see that Norman can be evil while being totally himself as we see him spying on Marion before she is murdered. After the murder, Norman is linked to the crime in many ways. The camera work and editing assists this by panning directly to a view of Norman’s house, telling the story without the need for dialogue. Almost immediately following this we see Norman running from the house and consequently directly linking himself to the murder. We see him automatically assume that his mother has killed Marion without questioning her, making the viewer even more suspicious of him. Both good and evil sides of Norman are presented to the audience at this point as, although he seems flustered and hurried when he first discovers what his mother has done, he is able to relax into a state of unemotional professionalism which allows the viewer to realise that this has happened before. By pretending so strongly that it was in fact his mother who killed Marion, I think it is obvious he is trying to convince himself that he has done nothing wrong and, ultimately, that he is not mentally ill. The mise-en-scene when he sinks Marion’s car is representative of this. We see him framed next to a tree with a split trunk, suggestive to his split personality. The contrast between the two sides of Norman’s personality is extended in the scene which features Marion’s sister, Lila, as she searches the house for evidence relating to the murder. When she enters mother’s room, it looks very inhabited: the bed seems as if someone has just gotten up and the wardrobe is full of neatly stored clothes. Despite the clutter, everything is organised and tidy. I believe this highlights the extent of Bates’ mental illness as we see how much effort he has gone to keep up the illusion. The subjective close-up shot of the hands when Lila scans the dressing table suggests that Norman is still in the clutches of his mother and the darker side of his personality hence reminding us that he is not in control of his situation. Norman’s room provides a total contrast when compared with his mother’s. It is a lot smaller and appears to have remained the same since he was a child and contains an eclectic mix of the possessions of a childish boy and those of a twisted man. This conveys the idea that perhaps he is refusing to grow up or his mind has never developed past this stage. This idea combined with the toys explains his dependence on his mother and why he is so unwilling to leave her. The stuffed owl which sits at his door brings back the recurring motif of birds while also representing the ever present Mrs Bates. She is always watching him and he allows her to control him completely and make his decisions – just as if he were a child. The battle between good and evil continues as Lila makes her way down to the cellar and mother is finally revealed. As the scene ends the climax is completed with a close-up shot of â€Å"mother† which allows us to clearly see the light and dark reflecting in her eye sockets – representing the fact that it is possible for Norman to be both a fully good and fully evil character. Although we are now aware that mother is dead in reality, she continues to live on inside Norman. The last time we see the character of Norman Bates, he has been arrested and we are able to see that the dominant evil personality of â€Å"mother† has won and taken over. To display this, we hear Norman thinking in his mother’s voice and understand that he believes that he is her – unnervingly outlining the severity of his mental illness. The medium shot of Norman sitting in the chair is effective as it shows his body language while he behaves like an old woman; the image is creepy and, in my opinion, really gets under your skin. At this stage I think that it is important we hear mother before we see Norman as it allows the audience to realise that he is not really Norman any more, showing that he is still and not fighting with his inner self as it appears the battle for good over evil has finally been lost. As the camera zooms in on Norman, we see his blank stare change to a sinister grin and a super imposed shot of mother’s skull on his face which shows that the good side of him is trapped inside for what looks like forever. For me, the film did have a satisfying ending as we see the detective bring the case to a close so there are no more remaining questions, but the creepy smile we see at the end makes me think otherwise; leaving us at a cliff hanger of sorts. In conclusion, I believe that, with the use of media features such as characterisation and editing, Hitchcock is able to present a highly engaging struggle between good and evil. Although I did feel sympathy for the character of Norman, I believe that he did have the option to control his actions and get help to fight back against his evil personality but, as he relied on his mother too much, he did not want to push her away. However, while Marion’s decision to steal the money was irresponsible and out of character, I still feel that she did it with good intentions. Overall, I felt that the fact that evil came out on top rather than the more typical outcome made it particularly realistic as, in a real life situation, good would not always prevail.